A new Haggadah with the full Hebrew and English texts laid out alongside the Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ typically inspiring – and insightful – commentary, with introductory essays looking at particular issues around Passover.
An essential addition to the collection of any Jewish family, this new Haggadah strikes into new territory between the traditional extremes of full-colour coffee tablebooks and text-heavy commentaries, with the lively and interesting writing of the Chief Rabbi placed alongside the traditional texts.
Bringing new insights into the meaning and application of the Passover liturgy, Jonathan Sacks’ style is as inspiring here as in all his writings, and there is much solid sense here alongside a few daring conclusions. Presented in a clear and modern text design carefully balancing the placement of the Chief Rabbi’s words alongside those of the traditional texts, this is a most valuable work.
Though this is a primarily a book for Jewish liturgical use, the attraction of the Chief Rabbi’s writings is so widespread that it will have some appeal beyond that market; and will certainly be read by many beyond the actual Passover period.